tomorrow I will officially be 13 weeks. It kind of looks like I am sticking my belly out in this picture, which is comical because this time around I am more self conscious than ever of the "too much lunch" belly. I can't wait for month six when it is obvious that I am pregnant and I don't have to worry about people wondering if I'm pregnant or just a good eater! Not that it really matters what people think, but you know.
I don't really have the morning sickness anymore which is GREAT!!!!!!!!!! I still get nauseous if I get hungry. I get hungry every 2 hours! but if I eat right away something small I can usually fend off any sickyness.
I'm excited for this child of course, but the other day when curt and I were looking at belly pictures of women at 38 weeks on parents.com I got so much anxiety. Getting that big is just so strange. It's amazing what our bodies do. I'm not looking forward to the swollen face and sore back and skin stretched so tight. So strange. So uncomfortable. So unavoidable. So selfish to feel this way.
But over all this will be soooooo worth it!
and this is the last one so I just have to keep thinking positively!