Some husbands do the really stinky dishes for their pregnant wives...
others come up with methods to help the wife still do the dishes herself!

I'm just kidding of course, Curt does the dishes sooooo much. But this one particular night he was busy and I had to get them done and they were making me gag. I'm so sensitive to smells right now. I'm sure that I'm not the only case of this. He walked in the door just in time to see a massive gag and he asked me if I was dying! haha. so then I said no, I just can't take the smell so he told me to tie a rag around my nose and then he proceeded to tape it on real good so I wouldn't smell anything!! He's so funny! Helpful in his own way.
And then of course Matthew wanted one too.

Sometimes you just have to do what it takes to get the job done!
I better get you some paper plates! J/K. This is very funny though.