Saturday, April 7, 2012

16 1/2 weeks

baby is the size of an Avocado!!
Baby can also hear our voices now. We've been doing lots of talking to this little one, especially Matthew. He really enjoys rubbing my belly and saying things like "oh you're so cute little lovey baby! When you come out I will hold you all the time and mommy can hold Hailey"
I have felt movements a few times, but mostly late at night and especially if I am taking a bath. This is such a relief to me because I never felt a single movement with Hailey until 21 weeks and I was freaking out! One less thing to worry about this time!
Although I still find plenty of things to worry about!! At my appointment the doctor listened to the heart beat for a long time with a strange look on his face. When he was done he said "well I thought the heartbeat slowed for a while but sometimes 10 seconds can seem like eternity baby is doing fine" Since then I have had late late nights up worrying about everything from heart defects to the umbilical cord being wrapped around neck, arms, legs...cutting off circulation.
Our Ultrasound appointment is SET!!!
May 3rd
we find out BOY or GIRL
I kind of want it to be a girl but think it's a boy
Curt would rather it be a boy but thinks it's a girl!
Matthew KNOWS it's a boy
chinese gender predictor test said BOY
but that's foofah
Hailey has no preference.

What do you think?

My morning sickness is GONE (unless I forget to eat regularly)
I have energy back (as long as I get to nap in the day while Hailey naps and Matthew is at preschool)
Exercising has become fun again!!! Especially biking the kids in the trailer around town. It is recommended to not bike after 20 important is it to follow that recommendation? Riding my bike and pulling the bike trailer with my little babies back there is by FAR the most desirable exercise I could think of. If I'm careful and I am easily able to balance etc. is it necessary to stop right at 20 weeks or can I keep riding until it's uncomfortable?
One main concern still is our Health Insurance. I applied for Medicaid but got denied because our savings is too high! FRUSTRATING!
we're coming up with options to solve that dilemma and going to reapply though.

Happy We Are!

ps my forearm I have noticed is kind of freaky. It doesn't look like that in real life!


  1. You look so good! I'm glad you are feeling better. I say biking is fine if you can stand the bike seat :) and don't over due it... can't wait to find out, love ya!

  2. I rode horses/ moved cows until week 39. Just trust your body and know when enough is enough!

  3. You're so tiny! I'm so ready to come home and bike with you, we miss our kids too stinkin much for this vacation business. I think it's foofah to only bike to 20 weeks, whoever told you that? I wouldn't stop til it hurts. See you guys soon!
