Thursday, May 31, 2012

A little more than twenty four!

24 weeks!
Baby is the size of a Cantaloupe?  I always have a hard time with their fruit/veggie descriptions of baby's size.  Cantaloupes are very spherical.  I doubt this little guy is built quite like that.  But I get the point, same weightish, same lengthish, my belly pokes out about that far (or farther)...But really. 

My belly has POPPED OUT!  I love to hear people say "oh you're so tiny" because it just makes my day that they would try that hard to be so nice to me.  hahaha  because I KNOW that I am not.  Weight gain?  yeeeeeeahhhh.  like 15 lbs already.  And it is mostly hips :)
No stretch marks yet, but I think that this kiddo will be my first experience with em (on the belly at least.  Like I said, I put most of my "motherly love" on the hips and buns so they are no stranger to a little give and stretch)
I'm still having a hard time getting my exercising groove back (refer to previous weight gain comment).  It feels like plenty to go up and down those dang stairs as much as I do.  
I am always hungry!!!!  Still loving MEAT AND CHEESE.  And rolls, but that's been my weakness all my life.  Let's not even discuss chocolate.  
That love comes from a long line of genetic inheritance.
I am one thirsty lady!  I can't imagine how it will be in August when I am sweating to death.  It is already getting hard to sleep at night because my legs get so restless, which I am sure I can attribute to not enough water.  I still nap whenever I can.  Hailey is in a glorious 2 to 3 hour nap phase and Matthew loves the 1 1/2 hour down time while I sleep and he watches a movie.
My irritation?  Directed solely at my "mask of pregnancy" DANG IT.  Dark spots on my forehead, nose, and cheeks do not make me happy.  I wear sunscreen every day and it isn't helping.  I wonder if it is normal but the rest of me tans ridiculously easy too.  Like frighteningly so.  Yesterday it was cloudy the majority of the HOUR we were outside and I came in with a farmer's tan.  I would be happy if I were still 16 and dying for the "perfect tan" rather than 26 and fully aware of how bad skin cancer can be!
I shouldn't complain at all though, pregnancy has been good to me.  Curt already can't even remember me ever being sick in the beginning!  I mean I remember it yeah, but I am sure it was more mild than 80% of pregnant women.  
I love to feel him kick.  I like to compare how each of my children moved inside of me.  Matthew would push on me and just sit there pushing for probably as long as his teeny arms/legs would allow it and I would have this painful knob sticking out.  Hailey was a slow roller.  She just rolled and rolled and gracefully swished along.  It actually tickled sometimes.  Yeah it got more painful when she was bigger, but not as painful as with Matthew.  I am not looking forward to the last month movements with this baby.  He likes to SLAM fast and then he pauses, and then BAM fast and another pause.  Quick, powerful movements. 
I daydream sometimes about what he will look like, obviously.  I waver between thinking he will be another little Matthew and thinking he will be all his own, because to me Matthew and Hailey really look nothing alike, except their chins and foreheads (I think they look like mine).
We think we have a name picked out.  Well, first name for SURE (we have known that for a long time, like since we started planning for Hailey) but maybe middle name now.  Curt's sold on it but I'm not as sure.
William Crew Coates
I really NEED him to have a middle name that starts with C just because by coincidence Matthew's and Hailey's both do (I didn't even realize the significance of it until recently, we didn't plan it to be like that).  Curtis and Colette.  And since this is our last baby, yes yes...topic for another day, he'd better go along with it too.  Curt's done trying to pick a name.  He just wants to leave it there with Crew.  but others on my list:
I think Carter may be my favorite, but Curt likes Crew better.  hahahaha that's a tongue twister.

Enough Rambling, we're doing great, baby's healthy!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Just a few projects!

I love Pinterest.  I've found some pretty amazing ideas on there for cute things for baby boy!!

Any of these ties I think it would be way fun to make matching with a regular tie for Matthew. Maybe even a bow for Hailey!  They don't mind matchy-matchy when they're little, right?!

 These leggings are interesting, they're made out of adult socks!  Fun!

 I found this tutorial on how to die white onsies really good.  I hope it works because I have a bajillion white onsies I'd like to maybe make a cuter color.  And these felt guys are supposed to be ornaments, but I think I will make something similar for the mobile.  I doubt he'd care if he stared up at pink butterflies and ladybugs, but Curt would be more comfortable if it were manly!  haha  And the sleepers at the bottom are out of adult t-shirts!  I think I could do that!  I remember being so excited that I was having a girl when I found out with Hailey because I really wanted to do so many projects, but I am finding out you can do all sorts of crafts for boys too!  (I still have a ton I always want to do for hailey, though.)

*Disclaimer- I may not get to any of these projects....but I hope I can!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The View From Up Here 20 1/2 weeks

Thought I'd better post my 21ish week picture!

We had the big mid pregnancy gender reveal/see if baby is healthy ultrasound last Thurs!  We found out if baby is a boy or girl but due to lousy weather I haven't been able to do the reveal photo I have in mind. Tomorrow will be good weather I hope and we will get a chance.  Most family already knows.  No spoilers!   Good news is baby is healthy as can be.  Doctor/Bishop Evans told us this is such a boring pregnancy!  :)  Boring is so so so good!
I was ridiculously nervous going into the ultrasound.  I have had all sorts of fears but it turned out better than I could have hoped for ;)
Feeling baby move regularly.  YAY!  Not as much as some I guess at this point but I found out it's because baby's placenta is anterior (between baby and my skin) so that gives it a buffer.  I will be grateful for that as baby gets bigger (If it stays like that.  technician said it could flip) except for the dances on my bladder.  That is no no fun.
Cravings:  anything meaty, hearty, warm, carby, and CHEESY I go for!  Late night snack I would much rather a big bowl of  lasagna than anything else!  Obviously I rarely can give in to that one (but I have once or twice!).