Any of these ties I think it would be way fun to make matching with a regular tie for Matthew. Maybe even a bow for Hailey! They don't mind matchy-matchy when they're little, right?!

These leggings are interesting, they're made out of adult socks! Fun!
I found this tutorial on how to die white onsies really good. I hope it works because I have a bajillion white onsies I'd like to maybe make a cuter color. And these felt guys are supposed to be ornaments, but I think I will make something similar for the mobile. I doubt he'd care if he stared up at pink butterflies and ladybugs, but Curt would be more comfortable if it were manly! haha And the sleepers at the bottom are out of adult t-shirts! I think I could do that! I remember being so excited that I was having a girl when I found out with Hailey because I really wanted to do so many projects, but I am finding out you can do all sorts of crafts for boys too! (I still have a ton I always want to do for hailey, though.)
*Disclaimer- I may not get to any of these projects....but I hope I can!
Cute ideas! i hope you get some of the things done. It has been crazy trying to get stuff done for our "lemon". I still have a huge list of to-do's and no time to do it. I hope you are feeling well. Love ya!