Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The meat is definitely not done...but my belly button has already popped. 15 weeks!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Making life easier

Some husbands do the really stinky dishes for their pregnant wives...
others come up with methods to help the wife still do the dishes herself!

I'm just kidding of course, Curt does the dishes sooooo much. But this one particular night he was busy and I had to get them done and they were making me gag. I'm so sensitive to smells right now. I'm sure that I'm not the only case of this. He walked in the door just in time to see a massive gag and he asked me if I was dying! haha. so then I said no, I just can't take the smell so he told me to tie a rag around my nose and then he proceeded to tape it on real good so I wouldn't smell anything!! He's so funny! Helpful in his own way.

And then of course Matthew wanted one too.
Sometimes you just have to do what it takes to get the job done!

Monday, March 12, 2012

13 weeksish

tomorrow I will officially be 13 weeks. It kind of looks like I am sticking my belly out in this picture, which is comical because this time around I am more self conscious than ever of the "too much lunch" belly. I can't wait for month six when it is obvious that I am pregnant and I don't have to worry about people wondering if I'm pregnant or just a good eater! Not that it really matters what people think, but you know.
I don't really have the morning sickness anymore which is GREAT!!!!!!!!!! I still get nauseous if I get hungry. I get hungry every 2 hours! but if I eat right away something small I can usually fend off any sickyness.
I'm excited for this child of course, but the other day when curt and I were looking at belly pictures of women at 38 weeks on I got so much anxiety. Getting that big is just so strange. It's amazing what our bodies do. I'm not looking forward to the swollen face and sore back and skin stretched so tight. So strange. So uncomfortable. So unavoidable. So selfish to feel this way.
But over all this will be soooooo worth it!
and this is the last one so I just have to keep thinking positively!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Baby of Mine

ultrasound image at 8 weeks
Another baby is on it's way to the Coates family! I am now 12 weeks!! We are so excited to have this little spirit join our family. It's interesting how sometimes you plan things, and you think that it's your plan but then as it continues on you realize that it's not your plan at all it's really the Lord's plan. well that's YOU little baby! But ready or not here you come and you are going to be loved so so so much!
  • 8 more weeks until we know if you are a boy or a girl!
  • Making me sick is not cool. Not cool little lime.
  • Weight gain is actually on track. I was nervous at the first appointment but not now.
  • Matthew is soooooo excited (you're going to love Matthew, he rocks)
  • Hailey is pretty awesome too...hopefully she won't pinch you or scratch you too much! (I'm hoping she's out of the bullying stage by the time you get here)
  • You will be a c-section baby just like brother and sister
  • We keep praying you are healthy and happy!!