Sunday, September 9, 2012

My last "Large Sunday" !!!!

We only actually made it for Sacrament meeting today.  There were three reasons.  #1 we didn't want the kids going to primary and nursery and picking up a germ two days before William is born.  They wouldn't probably show symptoms yet but would be contagious and that would not be fun.  I guess we're a little paranoid since Hailey got RSV when she was 6 wks.  #2 I wasn't sure how Matthew would do in Primary.  I think we'll wait a week or two to see how he adjusts to public situations before requiring the teachers to handle his hearing loss.  I need to know how to help them help Matthew first.  He did great in Sacrament meeting today, by the way.  We just had to remind him a LOT to whisper.  #3 I am just too uncomfortable.  I picked up food poisoning somewhere friday night/early saturday morning.  Finally around 5:30 am Saturday Curt took me to the hospital while my parents watched the kids because I was having contractions and I was worried about the health of william with me puking so much and being so dehydrated.  They put me on an IV and gave me a medicine to help stop the puke.  The contractions stopped after a couple of hours on the IV, so that was good.  They kept me there until about 11.  The rest of the day I was a lot better, just really weak and lazy.  I was pretty bummed we missed yard sales :)  All summer Curt and I have really enjoyed that together!!  Plus I was super annoyed that I got robbed of my nesting day.  I had all sorts of plans for Saturday to clean and organize and get ready for William, since monday will probably be a crazy day with Matthew's MRI and ENT appointments and such.  I still did a little bit but it's going to be a mess when I leave unfortunately.  Hopefully I'm not in the hospital for too long.  It was 28 hrs with Hailey from check in to check out.  We'll see though.  At least I have all the basics ready!

I can't believe it's less than two days until he will be here!!!!  We are all so excited!
I just really hope he's still a boy.....we gave away ALL of our baby girl clothes....

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

38 weeks

One more week until the c section!!!!!!!!  When I had 3 weeks left I remember being like "ugh it's going to take forever!!!" but nope.  Now I feel like I am scrambling for what little time I have.  I still haven't gotten all of our clothes out of his packn play in our room.  It's a hard habit to break, almost 3 yrs of throwing clean laundry loads in the playpen to wait for a time that I can fold them.  Now I'll actually have to fold my laundry almost every day.  blah.
Not a very flattering picture....but you're focusing on the belly anyway, right?  Pretty much all I do lately is ponytail and basketball shorts.  I mean I have the basketball belly to go with it, so why not?  

Other than Curt's large comfy tshirts I rotate between about 3 of my shirts that still fit me.  My belly has never ever been so huge!  Matthew and Hailey were little 6 lb babies, but I'm thinking this guy is going to be more like 8.  or not but I do feel big.
We are very excited to have William finally come!!!  I have no clue as to what he will look like, and I can't wait to be surprised.  hopefully c section and recovery go well and we're all healthy and happy.  I have a doctor's appointment on thursday so I'll probably post some more thoughts then.  Right now I'm actually battling a little case of the flu or something.  I think Matthew brought it home from kindergarten because he wasn't feeling well today either.  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

carseat recover

I sold our old infant carseat back when Hailey turned one because it was a set with the single jogging stroller.  I have known I needed to replace the carseat for a long time now but just never found a good one.  They are soooo expensive brand new and you can never find one that hasn't expired used that's in descent shape and for a good enough price.  And then we finally scored a nice carseat at a yard sale last week for $10 with two bases and over a year away from expiring.  The cover left much to be it was I thought what the heck.  I'll try it.  recover project commence.
pink with light and dark pink butterflies.  First I tried dying it because Curt thought that might work.  It didn't.  I didn't think it would but I tried it to appease him :)  But that was no harm done because I already had the leftover dye from the onsies and I planned on recovering it anyways.  So....Then I got to do the fun part.  I unpicked it all, made myself a pattern form it and had a party.  It took wayyyy longer than a skilled person would have taken but I thoroughly enjoyed the process.  The canopy was the hardest part.  It didn't actually match the carseat.  I didn't get a picture of that for some reason but picture poop green with maroon polka dots and a bit of was awful.

 And AFTER!!!!

When I brought home my fabric choices and tried to explain to Curt what I was going to do he just kind of looked at me like he thought I was crazy and hoped I didn't make our baby boy look like an outcast.  haha    

Friday, August 3, 2012

good news

results from my last lab test showed that I am immune to toxoplasmosis and CMV!  (CMV is what matthew was born with and why he is deaf in his left ear).  I told Hailey that the kitties won't get william sick and she started squealing "yay yay yay hold kitties all the time!"

Thursday, August 2, 2012

33 weeks

I feel so happy to be in the 30's!  But I still feel like I have forever to go, even though it is only exactly 5 weeks 5 days away from today!!  Oh I love planned c-sections.  Downfall : his birthday will be sep. 11th....kind of a day associated with negative things.  But good thing is we will be able to remember his birthday easy and William will probably think they are putting up flags just for him on his birthday for a while until he gets older.  Time for me to get down to business and start really getting ready for this guy, but my energy level is so low all the time!  I get to the top of the stairs and just want to go lay on my bed instead of do whatever it was I went up there to do. haha   I get compliments from some people and insensitive comments on my large size from others.  pregnancy sure makes people feel like they can say whatever they want to you, even strangers.  I don't feel that huge, but I know I am.  I'm already making weight loss goals!  Food is the ever enemy though.  Always hungry, never can find what it is that will hit just the spot.  I've had a huge sweet tooth lately and that's not good.  I'm trying to limit myself so I don't gain too much more weight.  I've heard that the more sweets you eat the more you want to eat.  But tonight I made a killer awesome chicken alfredo.  pasta makes me happy.  We switched bedrooms with the kids...again.  We switched when I was pregnant with Hailey to give the kids the bigger room to fit everything.  Since then we've acquired more furniture and the kids sleep in a bunk bed, so they actually take up less space.  So for Curt and I to fit everything including william's bassinet playpen we had to switch back and give us the bigger room.  Curt was so kind to oblige.   It was a tooooonnnnn of work.  Took an entire day to get everything in order.  In fact more than one day I guess, the second day was mostly just odd and ends though.  Makes me nervous for when we ever do move out of this place.  The next day I was exhausted.  I like it a lot though, and so do the kids.  Not sure how that works out, but their stuff organizes so much easier in the smaller room.  True that I did eliminate a HUGE bag of toys in the process....
Anyway here's the pictures.  Today I thought I'd document different angles.  

 You see my toes?  I have to lean over to see them!  Sadly they don't get as much beautification as usual because I just don't notice them daily!  That tells me I need to sit down and put my feet up more often so I see them and notice when they need to be repainted.
 And I can't forget the belly button.  I think it looks more like a nose.  Or the stem of a pumpkin.  Maybe for next post I will draw a smiley face on my belly and take a picture of that.  haha, just kidding.  I won't scare you with that!  My skin is a road map of veins.  It's so crazy how the veins increase and enlarge to supply a good amount of blood.  But at least no stretch marks on the belly...yet.  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

31 weeks

 There was only 3 weeks between doctor's appointments this time, and I go back again in 2 weeks!  I can't believe how fast this is going.  I seriously still sometimes forget that I am even pregnant, which is weird because I am larger and more uncomfortable than ever but I think I am just too distracted with other things.  Sometimes I feel really bad for this little guy because I don't dwell on him all the time like I did Matthew and Hailey.  But I don't worry too much because he will get PLENTY of attention once he's here!  I gained almost 2 lbs since last appointment, which I think is pretty much on track.  I hope it's like the last two pregnancies though and I stop gaining weight the last 6-7 weeks or else I'm going to go over my goal :)

I also completed another project!  This one was super easy because I planned and figured everything I needed to that made it a challenge when I made a new boppy cover for Hailey.  I love how it turned out though.  And I did a better job this time.  Tears were shed by the little girl for her pink pillow though!  And then I showed her all of the cool things her pink cover could be instead (like a shawl, a bonnet, a skirt...) and that ended the tears and made her laugh.  
And since the picture exists, I might as well post it for entertainment.  I can't stand this picture though, not so much because I've got funny tanlines and a HUGE belly, but because I'm standing so slouched!  ugh, that drives me nuts.  So there you go, me and baby at 29.5 weeks (in my non maternity swimsuit from last year. eh, it works.)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Little project #1

I finally got started on some of the projects I wanted to do!  
I had a whole bunch of white onsies 0-3 months so I decided to take some of them and make them more interesting.
First I had to wash the bajeebers out of them and try all sorts of methods to make them white again.  These onsies must've been through a war :)
I got them mostly bright, well, bright enough.
 And then I got brave and I DYED them! I was really nervous to dye them but with a little help from Matthew, we got the job done!
 In fact I liked it so much I did TWELVE!  hahaha  but 4 of them are 3-6 months
 And now I'm doing fun things with some of them like this...
I think they look a lot cooler in person.  The colors are richer than they appear in the photo.