Sunday, September 9, 2012

My last "Large Sunday" !!!!

We only actually made it for Sacrament meeting today.  There were three reasons.  #1 we didn't want the kids going to primary and nursery and picking up a germ two days before William is born.  They wouldn't probably show symptoms yet but would be contagious and that would not be fun.  I guess we're a little paranoid since Hailey got RSV when she was 6 wks.  #2 I wasn't sure how Matthew would do in Primary.  I think we'll wait a week or two to see how he adjusts to public situations before requiring the teachers to handle his hearing loss.  I need to know how to help them help Matthew first.  He did great in Sacrament meeting today, by the way.  We just had to remind him a LOT to whisper.  #3 I am just too uncomfortable.  I picked up food poisoning somewhere friday night/early saturday morning.  Finally around 5:30 am Saturday Curt took me to the hospital while my parents watched the kids because I was having contractions and I was worried about the health of william with me puking so much and being so dehydrated.  They put me on an IV and gave me a medicine to help stop the puke.  The contractions stopped after a couple of hours on the IV, so that was good.  They kept me there until about 11.  The rest of the day I was a lot better, just really weak and lazy.  I was pretty bummed we missed yard sales :)  All summer Curt and I have really enjoyed that together!!  Plus I was super annoyed that I got robbed of my nesting day.  I had all sorts of plans for Saturday to clean and organize and get ready for William, since monday will probably be a crazy day with Matthew's MRI and ENT appointments and such.  I still did a little bit but it's going to be a mess when I leave unfortunately.  Hopefully I'm not in the hospital for too long.  It was 28 hrs with Hailey from check in to check out.  We'll see though.  At least I have all the basics ready!

I can't believe it's less than two days until he will be here!!!!  We are all so excited!
I just really hope he's still a boy.....we gave away ALL of our baby girl clothes....

1 comment:

  1. You look beautiful! Good luck on tuesday, I love you! You are a wonderful friend and a great mom and I look up to you! I want you to know that I am praying for you and your family and remember that you can do hard things! You are amazing! Love ya!
